antea group is an international engineering and consulting firm originated in the netherlands. We specialize in full-service solutions in the fields ranging from urban development mobility infrastructure and construction to rural development water environment and safety. By combining strategic thinking and multidisciplinary perspectives with technical expertise and pragmatic action we do more than effectively solve client challenges; we deliver sustainable results for a better world. By understanding today we are improving tomorrow.
worldwide antea group includes the dutch belgian colombian french usa and india engineering and consultancy operations of antea group n. V. serving clients ranging from multinational companies and manufacturers to national governments and municipalities. the indian arm of the antea group n. V. Is unihorn india pvt. Ltd.
unihorn india private limited are registered as consultants with the central and state government bodies including mort&h nhai aai indian airlines ircon and private agencies in the corporate sector and several international financial institutions like the world bank (wb) asian development bank (adb) and european bank for reconstruction and development (ebrd). Unihorn india has specialist division handling private investment bot & boot projects in highway and aviation sectors bus terminals and other similar projects.
the organization is effectively geared to handle project management services project design quality assurance project co-ordination performance monitoring supervision of construction and o&m projects financial and legal controls etc.
history- ema (engineers and management associates) founded by mr. H. S. Bhatia in 1984-85 have been a reputed group providing consultancy services in the field of highways aviation and tourism infrastructure encompassing the total transportation sector. Ema comprised of leading professionals with varied experience and specialized skills in planning design and construction management of highways bridges and airports. Ema unihorn (india) pvt. Ltd was established in 2002 following equity participation by unihorn bv of the netherlands in ema that was fully acquired by unihorn bv in the year 2004. With effect from 05. 08. 2009 the company was renamed as unihorn india private limited and the same legacy continues. unihorn india private limited is an iso 9001: 2008 certified company.
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Gurgaon, Haryana